Greenhouse Products

Greenhouse Swap

Since DEXs do not use order-books and instead use an automated market maker (AMM) mechanism, the exchange requires the use of liquidity pools, which come from Liquidity Providers ("LPs") who stake their token pairs in "Pools" on the DEX. In exchange, they receive LP (Liquidity Provider) tokens. These LP tokens can then be staked in GREEN Farms to earn GREEN tokens.

Greenhouse decentralized exchange offers one of the lowest trading fees in existence at 0.18%. 100% of the fees collected are used to aggressively buy-back and burn the GREEN token.

The exchange is where you can swap one token for another. It is a simple swap interface, just select the two tokens you wish to exchange.

Learn how to use the Swap functionality below:

1) Navigate to Greenhouse Swap and select which network you would like to use (Polygon or Aurora)

2) Unlock your Wallet (top right-hand side), click connect, and choose the wallet provider of your choice

3) Select the tokens you wish to swap and enter the amount (make sure you have enough of the network gas tokens in your wallet to push the transaction through)

4) Check the details, and click “Swap”

5) Confirm the transaction in your wallet

6) You can click view the swap on Polygonscan or Aurorascan to review your transaction details

Greenhouse DEX Analytics

DEX Factory Contract (Polygon) | DEX Factory Contract (Aurora)


Generating LP Tokens

In order to utilize Greenhouse Farms, you must first provide liquidity to generate LP tokens.

1) Navigate to to add liquidity. Connect your wallet, and click add Liquidity

2) Choose to add liquidity to a farm of your choice:

You can also click on the hyperlink next to Stake, which will automatically navigate you to the liquidity tab and prepopulate the pairs for the farm of your choosing.

3) Once you approve and supply liquidity, you will receive LP tokens. The number of LP tokens you receive represents your share of the corresponding liquidity pool, such as the MATIC-ETH liquidity pool.

Enter a Farm

Now that you have your LP Tokens available, you can start farming to earn GREEN.

1) Go back to the Farms page

2) Unlock your Wallet via the "Unlock Wallet" button or the "Connect" button (top right).

3) Make sure your wallet is on the "Polygon Mainnet" network

4) Click on the Farm that you'd like to participate in

5) Click the "Enable" button

6) Your wallet will ask you to confirm the transaction

7) Click the "Stake LP" button.

8) Enter the desired amount of LP Tokens and click the "Confirm" button.

9) DONE! You are now farming GREEN!

There is a 0.20% deposit fee on Greenhouse farms, which will fully accrue to the treasury of which 75% will be utilized to buy-back and burn GREEN. The remaining 25% will help build the treasury for future project development.

Farming Contract

Add/Remove LP Tokens

Farming is always simple with Greenhouse. Users can use their discretion to exit the Farm or add more exposure and add more to their LP Tokens.

1. Navigate to the Farms page

2. You can toggle on "Staked only" to see the pairs you have LP Tokens in.

3. Choose a Farm you have deposited your LP Tokens in and click on it.

4. Click on the "+" or the "-" button to add or remove LP Tokens.

5. Enter the amount you would like to add or remove.

6. Verify your information and click the "Confirm" button.

7. After a short wait your new balance will display the details of the LP Token pair. If you have unstaked your LP Tokens, any unclaimed rewards will automatically accrue and deposit to your wallet.

Note, if you increase your deposit amount, a 0.20% deposit fee is applicable on the new deposit amount. The fee will accrue to the treasury of which 75% will be utilized to buy-back and burn GREEN. The remaining 25% will help build the treasury for future project development.


Green "Stake" Pools are reserved for the native GREEN token staking, but may be evaluated for other partnerships going forward.

1) Navigate to the staking page and connect your MetaMask Wallet and make sure it is set to the proper Polygon or Aurora Network

2) Click on “Approve Green” in the Staking Pool you would like to stake your GREEN

3) Click on “+” and enter the amount of GREEN tokens you would like to Stake (Deposit)

4) Click “Confirm” and approve the transaction

5) Click the “Claim” button to claim accrued GREEN rewards

6) Click “Unstake” to remove your staked GREEN and claim any rewards accrued rewards

There is a 0.20% deposit fee for the GREEN pool, utilized in the same manner as the fee generated by the Farms, a 75- 25% split between burning the GREEN token and building the project treasury.

Burn Pools

Burn Pools (or simply referred to as "Pools), require users to burn GREEN tokens to earn partnership project tokens as rewards.

1) Navigate to the pools page and connect your MetaMask Wallet and make sure it is set to the proper Polygon or Aurora Network

2) Click on “Approve Green” in the Burn Pool you would like to stake your GREEN

3) Click on “+” and enter the amount of GREEN tokens you would like to Deposit (WILL BE BURNED FOREVER)

4) Click “Confirm” and approve the transaction

5) Click the “Claim” button to claim accrued GREEN rewards

6) Note: you cannot “Unstake” from Burn Pools and there are no deposit fees on Burn Pools.

Last updated